Williamsburg, Virginia is a great destination for a family vacation. This area has both an educational side and one that’s pure fun. Here are 10 fun spots that both adults and kids will enjoy.
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Janette Wider
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Williamsburg, Virginia is a great destination for a family vacation. This area has both an educational side and one that’s pure fun. Here are 10 fun spots that both adults and kids will enjoy.
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David Abolafia
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Autumn in Cozumel is race time. And for visitors to this Mexican island, it is a unique opportunity to take part in a pair of endurance events – or just observe the day-long displays of athletic excellence.
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David Abolafia
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Given its increasing popularity as a tourist destination – and port of call for cruise ship passengers – it’s not surprising that Cozumel is working to please as many palates as possible. For the most part, the island is accomplishing this with variations on traditional Mexican fare. However, there are a few culinary curveballs thrown […]
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David Abolafia
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This October, it will be time to get your motor running, and head out on the highway… to Biloxi, for the 19th annual Cruisin’ The Coast® event, featuring numerous activities for everyone, including cruise-ins, headline bands and oldies entertainment.
Tagged with: biloxi, cruisin the coast, take three nights, take three nights blog
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Janette Wider
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World-champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist Elvis Stojko is starring in a new holiday-themed ice show this year at Busch Gardens® Christmas Town™. The show is ‘Twas That Night™ and is based on the popular 1823 poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas”, by Clement Clarke Moore. You know the one: “‘Twas the night before Christmas, […]
Tagged with: busch gardens, ice show, take a getaway, take three nights, take two nights, williamsburg
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David Abolafia
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While the city of Austin might be dedicated to “keeping it weird,” visitors who arrive with an appetite might consider reimagining that slogan as “keeping it tasty.” The Texas state capital is known for its exciting and eclectic cuisine, with eateries that please the palate across the savory spectrum.
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David Abolafia
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When roaming the streets of an unfamiliar city, trying to find a primo eatery on your own can be something of a gamble. That’s why doing your research ahead of time is always a safe bet. In Atlantic City, for example, you can improve your odds considerably by checking out some local favorites. Since residents […]